At CrossFit Free, we believe that nutrition is the foundation of everything we do. Fueling your body properly is the first and most important step in achieving your goals We are here to help you through our Nutrition coaching program where we have options ranging from basic personalized macros all the way to 1:1 coaching. We are here to make sure that you meet all of your goals!


Basic: $49 One time fee

  • Personalized Daily Macronutrient Targets (daily self-monitoring)

  • 1:1 Goal setting session with a nutrition coach at the start of your journey

  • Recommendations for supplements

  • Recommendations for pre and post workout nutrition

  • Email newsletter with tips, tricks, and other information

  • Grocery list


  • Personalized Daily Macronutrient Targets (daily self-monitoring)

  • 1:1 goal setting session with a nutrition coach at start of your journey and beginning each month for a macronutrient adjustment

  • Weekly check-in with nutrition coach through preferred method of contact

  • Recommendations for supplements

  • Recommendations for pre and post workout nutrition

  • Email newsletter with tips, tricks, and other information

  • Grocery list


  • Personalized Daily Macronutrient Targets (daily COACH-monitoring)

  • Coach gives suggestions 3+ times per week based on daily food log

  • 1:1 goal setting session with a nutrition coach at start of your journey and beginning each month for a macronutrient adjustment

  • Guaranteed response to questions within 6 hours from coach

  • Weekly check-in with nutrition coach through preferred method of contact

  • Recommendations for supplements

  • Recommendations for pre and post workout nutrition

  • Email newsletter with tips, tricks, and other information

  • Grocery list

“My CFF Nutrition coach is amazing to work with! Not only is she encouraging, but she is extremely knowledgeable about all things fitness and nutrition. Being one of her older clients, I was concerned at first about finding someone that could design a program for women of my post-menopausal age. However, any concerns I had were quickly erased. She spent time with me and listened closely as I expressed my goals and feelings about reaching them. She put a great deal of thought into an expertly designed a program that was unique to my needs. 
My coach was there through the entire process to give me the accountability I needed, make adjustments when my life required it and cheered me on! I highly recommend her for people of all ages and abilities!”

~SUSAN - 30 pounds down

"I had my same fitness coach as nutrition coach. I knew that when she offered nutritional coaching she would bring knowledge and just the right amount of personal motivation to keep me on track.                                                                                                  She was able to offer up a personalized meal plan that kept me satiated and on track. I found that I slept better and had more energy throughout the day. She was quick to respond with any questions I may have had regarding a meal or foods in general. I would highly recommend working with the coaches at CFF. They will change your life.”



FITTER, STRONGER, more confident, and clearheaded with increased energy and Better sleep.